
We stand, loud and proud, and shout to the men who fight for us.
Founder and Owner Buccaneer23,
Co-Owner Mexico88
and Co-Owner Charlie1026 present,
"Legends aren't born, they are made,"


I made this widget at

Sunday, September 7, 2008

--HTBK-- is being rebuild!The new site is

Could Be Back?

I might turn back for --HTBK--. Not me playing Power Soccer, but --HTBK-- could have a comeback!

Friday, July 25, 2008

--HTBK-- Is Gone

This is Buccaneer23, for the last time announcing that --HTBK-- will not be an active clan on Power Soccer. This site will remain, to be a muesuem of history, the old glory of the clan. I'm sorry, but this clan is no more. Goodbye Power Soccer, and to the clan I loved, goodbye, --HTBK--.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday. I'm now 12 years old as of 10:29pm eastern time. Halftwin, was 12 at 10:20pm. Happy Birthday to us!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Buccaneer23 is Gonna be... Back!

After seeing how much even other clans don't want to see me leave, I'm gonna stay here at --HTBK--. The website, is going to take a dramatic change. --HTBK-- and Buccaneer23 are back and better than ever!

Monday, May 12, 2008

--HTBK-- "Crossing Roads"

I really don't know what to do about --HTBK-- and its future. I've been very busy, so busy I'm not much interested in Power Soccer Anymore. I've made and annoncement that I will be "Red-Shirted" (show up every once in a while) until my final day of school (June 11) Maybe then, I'll have more interest. If not, --HTBK-- could become --RAPTORS--. Sorry, I know how I don't want to make you guys upset, I just am slowing down a bit, don't know what to do.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Xako joins --HTBK--

Our newest member in what seems like forever, is Xako, who just decided to join. Thx Xako, and great luck, welcome to the family! -